Monday, September 1, 2014

Production Journal: Week Three - The Things You'll Never Get to See, Hopefully

I love being able to work with my theater group. It's such an amazing opportunity to work with these kids and get to be able to put together this production. Believe it or not, the production doesn't start off being a seamless show in which everyone knows their lines, their blocking and does it effortlessly with the perfect emotion and expression. That's absolutely shocking, isn't it?!?!

Like anything else in the world, we start very rough, very choppy, and we practice. We practice until things look good, and then we practice some more. That's what rehearsals are for; to work out the glitches and get the show smoothed out.

Along the way we learn, we grow. We make mistakes, we fix mistakes, and make new mistakes.

We laugh, we cry and sometimes we do both at the same time.

We lose focus, we lose our places, we lose our train of thought, hopefully, without losing our minds.

We "take it from the beginning," again and again and again.

We improvise lines. We improvise props and we laugh until we have to do away with the improvs all together.

After a bad scene, we figure out what we can do to improve it, we move on and we practice it again. After a good scene, enjoy the moment, figure out what we can do to improve it and we practice it again.

We edit scenes, we change lines, we take notes and we promptly loose them.

This is why we rehearse. Because in the end it's all worth it, the mistakes we make along the way are the memories and motivation that glue our team together. By the end we have the same goal, to do well and pull it all together and create a show, without the rehearsal craziness, which the audience will enjoy.